Please read each discount carefully, all discounts require that you print this web page and bring in additional information in order to receive the discount. If you qualify and would like to use any of these discounts, you must inform your stylist prior to having your hair braided. We reserve the right to update or change these discounts at any time. Check back frequently for the latest discounts and information.
Only one discount per visit, per Customer.
Three Customer Discount:
Send us three customers who pay $100 or more and get your hair done for free, at the same or up to $140 in value. Send your referral with a (referral slip) and email us @ with both you and your referrals information.
Marriage Discount:
Come in and braid your hair for your wedding and get up to $50 off. Discount will vary on style pricing ( the more the style cost the bigger the discount) Please bring in either your marriage license or a wedding invitation showing the date of your marriage.
New Mother Discount:
In order to congratulate all the new mothers, we are offering $10 to $20 off . This discount is available to expecting mothers (6 months or more and must be showing) and to mothers of new born's up to 3 months of age. This Discount may be used up two times.
Birthday Discount:
Come and get your hair braided during the week of your birthday and receive an extra $10 to $30 off. Please bring with your a valid picture id showing the date of your birthday (your driver's license is fine).
Military Discount:
To honor our military, receive $10 to $20 off at every visit. This discount covers active military, spouses, and dependents. Please bring in military identification to your appointments to receive this discount.
Student Discount:
Receive $10 to $30 off depending on style or you an A student receive up $20 to $50 ( Must show Proof of report card and student ID or a Valid Id, and child under age must bring parent with ID)